Wednesday, March 13, 2019

ComponentOccurrence.Replace method in VBA

Public Sub ReplaceOccurance()
Dim oAssDoc As Inventor.AssemblyDocument
Set oAssDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oAssCompDef As Inventor.AssemblyComponentDefinition
Set oAssCompDef = oAssDoc.ComponentDefinition

Dim oAssOccurences As Inventor.ComponentOccurrences
Set oAssOccurences = oAssCompDef.Occurrences

Dim oCompOccur As Inventor.ComponentOccurrence
For Each oCompOccur In oAssOccurences
MsgBox oCompOccur.Name
'Either you can use the name of the occurence or the index of the occurence
'to replace a particular occurence by a different part or sub assembly

'Please note that if the second parameter is true and the same occurence has multiple instances
'i.e. a car has four wheels, and if the replace is called on any of the wheel occurence with
'second parameter true, all the wheels will be replaced otherwise only that instance
'will be replaced on which will be called.
If oCompOccur.Name = "MYOCCURANCE" Then
Call oCompOccur.Replace("C:\Myoccorence.ipt", False)
End If

'If the occurence is attached by imate and the replacing part or assembly does not have the
'correct imate then the imates will fail
End Sub

In this sample I have used the name of the occurence to replace one. You can use the index too. The indexing is same as the position in the browser pan. For useing the index you need to change the for loop as follows

Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To oAssOccurences.Count
Set oCompOccur = oAssOccurences(i)
Select Case i
Case 1:
'replace at index 1
Case 2:
'replace at index 2
Case Else:
'replace default
End Select

Hope this will help you problem


Excel Comments - Macros

Change the User Namego to top

Instead of showing the user name at the start of Excel comments, you can change to something generic, such as "Note:" However, this change affects the User Name in all Microsoft Office programs, so you may want to reset the name before you exit Excel.
To set a generic label in comments:
Sub CommentNote()
    Application.UserName = "Note"
End Sub

To reset the User Name in comments:     
Sub CommentName()
    Application.UserName = "John Smith"
End Sub

Insert a Plain Commentgo to top

To insert a comment with no User Name, use the following macro. 
Note: Because the macro contains a SendKeys command, it should be run with the worksheet active, not Visual Basic Explorer.
Sub CommentAddOrEdit()
'adds new plain text comment or positions
'cursor at end of existing comment text
  Dim cmt As Comment
  Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  If cmt Is Nothing Then
    ActiveCell.AddComment text:=""
  End If
  SendKeys "+{F2}"
End Sub
To avoid use of the SendKeys command, you can use the following variation, which leaves the comments visible. After running the macro, the comment shape is selected. Start typing, and the text will be added to the comment box, or to the end of the existing comment text.
Sub CommentAddOrEdit()
'method suggested by Jon Peltier 2006-03-04
'adds new plain text comment or adds text
'at end of existing comment text
  Dim cmt As Comment
  Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  If cmt Is Nothing Then
    Set cmt = ActiveCell.AddComment
    cmt.text text:=""
  End If
  'type to add comment text to selected shape
  cmt.Visible = True

End Sub

Replace Old Name in Comments - No Picturesgo to top

If a previous user inserted comments, their name may appear at the top of the comment. Their name may also appear in the Status Bar, when you hover over the cell that contains a comment.
The following macro will replace the old name with a new name.
NOTE: This creates new comments, without the original formatting. If you need to copy comment pictures, or other formatting, use the macro in the next section - Replace Names With Pictures
Sub ChangeCommentName()
'replaces old names in comments
'deletes and reinserts comments
'  so new name appears in status bar
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim strOld As String
Dim strNew As String
Dim strComment As String
strNew = "New Name"
strOld = "Old Name"
Application.UserName = strNew
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
  For Each cmt In ws.Comments
    strComment = Replace(cmt.text, strOld, strNew)
    cmt.Parent.AddComment text:=strComment
  Next cmt
Next ws

End Sub

Replace Old Name in Comments - With Picturesgo to top

This macro is similar to the one above -- it replaces the old names attached to cell comments. However, this macro also copies the old comment formatting. Use this if you want to copy pictures, or other formatting, from the original comments.
This macro will be a bit slower, so use the Replace Name No Pictures macro if you're not concerned about formatting. It adds a temporary worksheet, pastes the old comment there, and copies the formatting to the new comment.
Sub ChangeCommentNameKeepPicture()
'replaces old names in comments
'deletes and reinserts comments
'  so new name appears in status bar
'also copies pictures and other formatting
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
Dim rngTempOld As Range
Dim rngTempNew As Range
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim strOld As String
Dim strNew As String
Dim strComment As String
strNew = "New Name"
strOld = "Old Name"
Application.UserName = strNew

Dim strCmtText As String
Dim cmtOld As Comment
Dim cmtNew As Comment
Dim lCmtShow As Long
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
lCmtShow = Application.DisplayCommentIndicator

'show the comments
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set wsTemp = Sheets.Add
Set rngTempOld = wsTemp.Range("A1")
Set rngTempNew = wsTemp.Range("A2")

For Each cmtOld In ws.Comments
  strCmtText = Replace(cmtOld.Text, strOld, strNew)
  rngTempOld.PasteSpecial xlPasteComments
  Set cmtNew = rngTempNew.AddComment
  cmtNew.Text Text:=strCmtText
  rngTempOld.Comment.Visible = True
  rngTempNew.Comment.Visible = True
  cmtOld.Parent.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteComments
Next cmtOld

Application.UserName = strOld
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = lCmtShow
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Insert a Formatted Commentgo to top

To insert comments with no User Name, formatted in Times New Roman font, use the following macro, which uses the SendKeys method:
Sub CommentAddOrEditTNR()
'adds TimesNewRoman comment or positions
'cursor at end of existing comment text
  Dim cmt As Comment
  Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  If cmt Is Nothing Then
    ActiveCell.AddComment text:=""
    Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
    With cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font
      .Name = "Times New Roman"
      .Size = 11
      .Bold = False
      .ColorIndex = 0
    End With
  End If
  SendKeys "+{F2}"
End Sub

Insert a Colour Formatted Commentgo to top

To insert a comment with no User Name, formatted with red text in the first line, blue text in the second line, and bold text after the colons, use the following macro:
Sub CommentTextFormatColour()
'adds comment then formats font colour and adds bold
  Dim cmt As Comment
  Dim str1 As String
  Dim str2 As String
  Dim lBreak As Long
  Dim lNum1 As Long
  Dim lNum2 As Long
  Dim lNumLen As Long
  Dim strFind As String
  On Error Resume Next
  str1 = "John: 20 Eggs"
  str2 = "Simon: 50 Eggs"
  strFind = ":"
  lNumLen = 3
  Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  If cmt Is Nothing Then
    ActiveCell.AddComment _
      text:=str1 & Chr(10) & str2
    Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  End If
  'find the line break and markers
  lBreak = InStr(1, cmt.text, Chr(10))
  lNum1 = InStr(1, cmt.text, strFind) + 1
  lNum2 = InStr(lBreak, cmt.text, strFind) + 1
  'format the lines of text
  With cmt.Shape.TextFrame
    .Characters(1, lBreak).Font.ColorIndex = 3
    .Characters(lBreak + 1, _
       Len(cmt.text)).Font.ColorIndex = 5
  End With
  'add bold to numbers that follow colon
  If lNum1 > 0 Then
    With cmt.Shape.TextFrame
      .Characters.Font.Bold = False
      .Characters(lNum1, lNumLen).Font.Bold = True
      .Characters(lNum2, lNumLen).Font.Bold = True
    End With
  End If
  SendKeys "+{F2}"  'opens comment for editing
  'SendKeys "%ie~"  'works with Excel 2003 menu
End Sub

Insert comments with Date and Timego to top

To insert comments with the current date and time, or append the current date and time to an existing comment, use the following macro. It uses the SendKeys method:
Sub CommentDateTimeAdd()
'adds comments with date and time, 
'  positions cursor at end of comment text

    Dim strDate As String
    Dim cmt As Comment
    strDate = "dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss"
    Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
    If cmt Is Nothing Then
      Set cmt = ActiveCell.AddComment
      cmt.text _
        text:=Format(Now, strDate) & Chr(10)
      cmt.text text:=cmt.text & Chr(10) _
        & Format(Now, strDate) & Chr(10)
    End If
    With cmt.Shape.TextFrame
      .Characters.Font.Bold = False
    End With

   'opens comment for editing
   SendKeys "+{F2}"  

End Sub

Reset Comments to Original Positiongo to top

If comments have moved out of position, you can reset them using the following code:
NOTE: This feature is available in my Contextures Excel Tools add-in
comments have moved out of position
Sub ResetComments()
Dim cmt As Comment
For Each cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments
   cmt.Shape.Top = cmt.Parent.Top + 5
   cmt.Shape.Left = _
      cmt.Parent.Offset(0, 1).Left + 5
End Sub

Resize commentsgo to top

If comments have changed size, you can reset them using the following code. The methods are not perfect, but are useful for cleaning up many comments that have changed size.
  • Macro 1 resizes all comments on the active sheet, based on the area of the AutoSized comment
  • Macro 2 resizes all comments in the selected range, based on the area of the AutoSized comment
  • Macro 3 resizes all comments in the selected range, based on the row height of a test cell
NOTE: Comment resizing is available in my Contextures Excel Tools add-in

1 - Resize all comments on the active sheet (based on AutoSize area)

Sub Comments_AutoSize()
'posted by Dana DeLouis  2000-09-16

  Dim MyComments As Comment
  Dim lArea As Long
  For Each MyComments In ActiveSheet.Comments
    With MyComments
      .Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
      If .Shape.Width > 300 Then
        lArea = .Shape.Width * .Shape.Height
        .Shape.Width = 200
        ' An adjustment factor of 1.1 
         ' seems to work ok.
        .Shape.Height = (lArea / 200) * 1.1
      End If
    End With
  Next ' comment
End Sub

2 - Resize all comments in the selected area (based on AutoSize area)go to top

Sub ResizeCommentsInSelection()
'Posted by Dave Peterson 2002-02-25
Dim mycell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim lArea As Long

Set myRng = Selection

For Each mycell In myRng.Cells
  If Not (mycell.Comment Is Nothing) Then
    With mycell.Comment
      .Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
      If .Shape.Width > 300 Then
        lArea = .Shape.Width * .Shape.Height
        .Shape.Width = 200
        .Shape.Height = (lArea / 200) * 1.2
      End If
    End With
  End If
Next mycell
End Sub

3 - Resize all comments in the selected area (based on test cell height)go to top

Sub ResizeCommentsInSelectionRH()
'resize comments based on row height
'of test cells where text was copied
Dim lMinWidth As Long
Dim lMaxWidth As Long
Dim lWidth As Long
Dim dblMult As Double
Dim dblMultH As Double
Dim mycell As Range
Dim myRng As Range
Dim strText As String
Dim dColW As Double
Dim dColCW As Double
Dim lHeight As Long
Dim lChar As Long
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lBreak As Long
Dim sh As Shape
Dim strAdd As String
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
Dim dMaxWPt As Double

Dim dRatio As Double 
'.columnwidth for test

Dim dCWTest As Double  

On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

'On Error Resume Next

Select Case CDbl(Application.Version)
   Case Is > 14
      strAdd = " "
   Case Else
      strAdd = ""
End Select

Set myRng = Intersect(Selection, _

Set wsTemp = Worksheets.Add
If Not wsTemp Is Nothing Then
    lMinWidth = _
      InputBox("Which comments should be resized?" _
        & vbCrLf & "Width greater than:", _
          "Resize Sheet Comments", 1)
    If lMinWidth = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Width must be 1 or greater"
      Exit Sub
    End If
    lMaxWidth = InputBox("What should be the new comment width?", _
        "Resize Sheet Comments", 300)
    If lMaxWidth = 0 Then
      MsgBox "Width must be 1 or greater"
      Exit Sub
    End If
    dblMultH = _
      InputBox("What multiplier should be used for Height?", _
        "Resize Sheet Comments", 1#)
    If dblMultH = 0 Then
      Exit Sub
    End If

'.Width property uses points
'   96 pixels to 72 points
dblMult = 72 / 96
'desired comment width in points
dMaxWPt = lMaxWidth * dblMult

'.ColumnWidth property shows
    'number of characters
'One unit of column width =
    'width of one character in Normal style
'For proportional fonts, the width of
'   the character 0 (zero) is used.
dCWTest = 100 '.columnwidth for test

With wsTemp.Columns(1)
  .ColumnWidth = dCWTest
  'get ratio of .columnwidth (char)
    ' to .width property (points)
  dRatio = .Width / dCWTest
  'multiply desired width by test ratio
  '   for .ColumnWidth setting
  .ColumnWidth = dMaxWPt / dRatio
End With

For Each mycell In myRng.Cells
  If Not (mycell.Comment Is Nothing) Then
    Set sh = mycell.Comment.Shape
    If sh.Width > lMinWidth Then
      lChar = sh.TextFrame.Characters.Count
      With wsTemp
        If lChar <= 255 Then
          .Range("A1").Value _
              = sh.TextFrame.Characters.Text
          For lCount = 1 To lChar Step 250
            Select Case lCount
            Case Is <= 250 * 3
              .Range("A1").Value = .Range("A1").Value _
                  & sh.TextFrame.Characters(Start:=lCount, _
                     Length:=250).Text & strAdd
            Case Is <= 250 * 6
              .Range("A2").Value = .Range("A2").Value _
                  & sh.TextFrame.Characters(Start:=lCount, _
                      Length:=250).Text & strAdd
            Case Else
              .Range("A3").Value = .Range("A3").Value _
                  & sh.TextFrame.Characters(Start:=lCount, _
                      Length:=250).Text & strAdd
            End Select
          Next lCount
        End If
        .Range("A1:A3").Font.Name = _
        .Range("A1:A3").Font.Size = _
        .Range("A1:A3").WrapText = True
        Select Case lChar
          Case Is <= 250 * 3
            lHeight = .Rows(1).Height
          Case Is <= 250 * 6
            lHeight = .Rows("1:2").Height
          Case Else
            lHeight = .Rows("1:3").Height
        End Select
      End With
      With sh
        .Height = lHeight * dblMult * dblMultH
        .Width = lMaxWidth
      End With
    End If
  End If
Next mycell

  MsgBox "Could not add temporary sheet." _
    & vbCrLf _
    & "Please unprotect workbook structure" _
    & vbCrLf _
    & " and try again."
End If
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Format All commentsgo to top

After you have inserted comments in a workbook, you can use the following code to change the font and font size for all comments in the workbook.
Sub FormatAllComments()
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  Dim cmt As Comment
  For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    For Each cmt In ws.Comments
      With cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font
        .Name = "Times New Roman"
        .Size = 12
      End With
    Next cmt
  Next ws
End Sub

Show Comments on Active Sheetgo to top

If you choose View|Comments, all comments in all open workbooks will be displayed. Instead, you can use code to show the comments on one sheet, and display the comment indicators only on other sheets.
Sub ShowSheetComments()
'shows all comments on the active sheet
Dim c As Comment

For Each c In ActiveSheet.Comments
  c.Visible = True

End Sub

Show comments in Centre of Active Windowgo to top

Paste the following code onto a worksheet module. If a cell with a comment is selected on that sheet, its comment is displayed in the centre of the active window's visible range.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
 Dim rng As Range
 Dim cTop As Long
 Dim cWidth As Long
 Dim cmt As Comment
 Dim sh As Shape
 Application.DisplayCommentIndicator _
    = xlCommentIndicatorOnly
 Set rng = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
 cTop = rng.Top + rng.Height / 2
 cWidth = rng.Left + rng.Width / 2
If ActiveCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
  'do nothing
  Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  Set sh = cmt.Shape
  sh.Top = cTop - sh.Height / 2
  sh.Left = cWidth - sh.Width / 2
  cmt.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Show comments at Right of Active Windowgo to top

Paste the following code onto a worksheet module. If a cell with a comment is selected on that sheet, its comment is displayed at the far right of the active window's visible range. A bit of space is added (lGap) to allow for scroll bar on the right side.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
 'show comments at centre right of window
 Dim rng As Range
 Dim cTop As Long
 Dim lGap As Long
 Dim cmt As Comment
 Dim sh As Shape
 Application.DisplayCommentIndicator _
    = xlCommentIndicatorOnly
 Set rng = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
 cTop = rng.Top + rng.Height / 2
 lGap = 30 'adjust space between window edge and comment
If ActiveCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
  'do nothing
  Set cmt = ActiveCell.Comment
  Set sh = cmt.Shape
  sh.Top = cTop - sh.Height / 2
  sh.Left = rng.Width - sh.Width - lGap
  cmt.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Copy Comment Text to Adjacent Cellgo to top

The following macro will copy comment text to the cell to the right, if that cell is empty.
Sub ShowCommentsNextCell()
'based on code posted by Dave Peterson 2003-05-16
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  Dim commrange As Range
  Dim mycell As Range
  Dim curwks As Worksheet
  Set curwks = ActiveSheet

  On Error Resume Next
  Set commrange = curwks.Cells _
  On Error GoTo 0

  If commrange Is Nothing Then
     MsgBox "no comments found"
     Exit Sub
  End If

  For Each mycell In commrange
     If mycell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "" Then
      mycell.Offset(0, 1).Value = mycell.Comment.Text
     End If
  Next mycell

  Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Copy Comments to Another Worksheetgo to top

The following macro will add a sheet to the workbook, with a list of comments, including the cell address, and cell name, if any.
Sub showcomments()
'posted by Dave Peterson 2003-05-16 
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim commrange As Range
    Dim mycell As Range
    Dim curwks As Worksheet
    Dim newwks As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long

    Set curwks = ActiveSheet

    On Error Resume Next
    Set commrange = curwks.Cells _
    On Error GoTo 0

    If commrange Is Nothing Then
       MsgBox "no comments found"
       Exit Sub
    End If

    Set newwks = Worksheets.Add

     newwks.Range("A1:D1").Value = _
         Array("Address", "Name", "Value", "Comment")

    i = 1
    For Each mycell In commrange
       With newwks
         i = i + 1
         On Error Resume Next
         .Cells(i, 1).Value = mycell.Address
         .Cells(i, 2).Value = mycell.Name.Name
         .Cells(i, 3).Value = mycell.Value
         .Cells(i, 4).Value = mycell.Comment.Text
       End With
    Next mycell

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Copy Comments from All Sheets to Another Worksheetgo to top

The following macro will add a sheet to the workbook, with a list of comments from all sheets in the workbook, including the sheet name, cell address, and cell name, if any.
Sub ShowCommentsAllSheets()
'modified from code
'posted by Dave Peterson 2003-05-16
  Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  Dim commrange As Range
  Dim mycell As Range
  Dim ws As Worksheet
  Dim newwks As Worksheet
  Dim i As Long

Set newwks = Worksheets.Add

 newwks.Range("A1:E1").Value = _
     Array("Sheet", "Address", "Name", "Value", "Comment")
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
  On Error Resume Next
  Set commrange = ws.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments)
  On Error GoTo 0

  If commrange Is Nothing Then
    'do nothing
    i = newwks.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row

    For Each mycell In commrange
       With newwks
         i = i + 1
         On Error Resume Next
         .Cells(i, 1).Value = ws.Name
         .Cells(i, 2).Value = mycell.Address
         .Cells(i, 3).Value = mycell.Name.Name
         .Cells(i, 4).Value = mycell.Value
         .Cells(i, 5).Value = mycell.Comment.text
       End With
    Next mycell
  End If
  Set commrange = Nothing
Next ws
'format cells for no wrapping, remove line break
newwks.Cells.WrapText = False
newwks.Columns("E:E").Replace What:=Chr(10), _
  Replacement:=" ", LookAt:=xlPart, _
  SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
  SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Copy comments to Microsoft Wordgo to top

The following code copies the comment text from the active sheet, and adds it to a Microsoft Word document, along with the cell address.
Sub CopyCommentsToWord()

  Dim cmt As Comment
  Dim WdApp As Object

  On Error Resume Next
  Set WdApp = GetObject(, "Word.Application")
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Set WdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
  End If

  With WdApp
    .Visible = True
    .Documents.Add DocumentType:=0

    For Each cmt In ActiveSheet.Comments
      .Selection.TypeText cmt.Parent.Address _
             & vbTab & cmt.Text
  End With

  Set WdApp = Nothing

End Sub  

Print Worksheet with Comment Indicatorsgo to top

When you print a worksheet that contains comments, the comment indicators are not visible. There is no option to change this behaviour. As a workaround, you can draw triangle AutoShapes over the comment indicators.
Draw Triangular AutoShapes over the Comment Indicators
The following code will draw a triangular AutoShape over each comment indicator on the active sheet:
Sub CoverCommentIndicator()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim rngCmt As Range
Dim shpCmt As Shape
Dim shpW As Double 'shape width
Dim shpH As Double 'shape height

Set ws = ActiveSheet
shpW = 6
shpH = 4

For Each cmt In ws.Comments
  Set rngCmt = cmt.Parent
  With rngCmt
    Set shpCmt = ws.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRightTriangle, _
      rngCmt.Offset(0, 1).Left - shpW, .Top, shpW, shpH)
  End With
  With shpCmt
    .Flip msoFlipVertical
    .Flip msoFlipHorizontal
    .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 10 'Red
           '12=Blue, 57=Green
    .Fill.Visible = msoTrue
    .Line.Visible = msoFalse
  End With
Next cmt

End Sub
Remove Triangular AutoShapes over the Comment Indicators
The following code will remove the triangular AutoShape over each comment indicator on the active sheet:go to top
Sub RemoveIndicatorShapes()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape

Set ws = ActiveSheet

For Each shp In ws.Shapes
If Not shp.TopLeftCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
  If shp.AutoShapeType = _
    msoShapeRightTriangle Then
  End If
End If
Next shp

End Sub 

Number and List comments

Before you print a worksheet that contains comments, you can use programming to number the comments, and then list the numbered comments on a separate sheet, and print them.
After you print the sheet, run another macro to remove the numbered shapes that were added to each comment cell.
List the numbered comments on a separate sheet

Running the Numbered Comments Code

There are 3 parts to the code:
To use the code, copy the code samples below, and paste them into a regular module in your workbook. OR, download the sample workbook, and copy the code from there.

Draw Numbered Rectangles over Comment Indicators

The following code draws a numbered rectangle AutoShape over each comment indicator on the active sheet:
Sub CoverCommentIndicator()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim lCmt As Long
Dim rngCmt As Range
Dim shpCmt As Shape
Dim shpW As Double 'shape width
Dim shpH As Double 'shape height

Set ws = ActiveSheet
shpW = 8
shpH = 6
lCmt = 1

For Each cmt In ws.Comments
  Set rngCmt = cmt.Parent
  With rngCmt
    Set shpCmt = ws.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, _
      rngCmt.Offset(0, 1).Left - shpW, .Top, shpW, shpH)
  End With
  With shpCmt
    .Name = "CmtNum" & .Name
    With .Fill
      .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 9 'white
      .Visible = msoTrue
    End With
    With .Line
      .Visible = msoTrue
      .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 64 'automatic
      .Weight = 0.25
    End With
    With .TextFrame
      .Characters.Text = lCmt
      .Characters.Font.Size = 5
      .Characters.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
      .MarginLeft = 0#
      .MarginRight = 0#
      .MarginTop = 0#
      .MarginBottom = 0#
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
    End With
    .Top = .Top + 0.001
  End With
  lCmt = lCmt + 1
Next cmt

End Sub

Remove Numbered Rectangles over Comment Indicators

The following code will remove the rectangular AutoShape over each comment indicator on the active sheet. Run this code when you no longer need the numbered shapes:
Sub RemoveIndicatorShapes()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape

Set ws = ActiveSheet

For Each shp In ws.Shapes
If Not shp.TopLeftCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
  If Left(shp.Name, 6) = "CmtNum" Then
  End If
End If
Next shp

End Sub  

List Comments on New Sheet

The following code will list the numbered comments on a new worksheet. If there are merged cells with comments, use the code in the next section instead of this code.
Sub showcomments()
'posted by Dave Peterson 2003-05-16
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim commrange As Range
    Dim cmt As Comment
    Dim curwks As Worksheet
    Dim newwks As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long

    Set curwks = ActiveSheet

    On Error Resume Next
    Set commrange = curwks.Cells _
    On Error GoTo 0

    If commrange Is Nothing Then
       MsgBox "no comments found"
       Exit Sub
    End If

    Set newwks = Worksheets.Add

     newwks.Range("A1:E1").Value = _
         Array("Number", "Name", "Value", "Address", "Comment")

    i = 1
    For Each cmt In curwks.Comments
       With newwks
         i = i + 1
         On Error Resume Next
         .Cells(i, 1).Value = i - 1
         .Cells(i, 2).Value = cmt.Parent.Name.Name
         .Cells(i, 3).Value = cmt.Parent.Value
         .Cells(i, 4).Value = cmt.Parent.Address
         .Cells(i, 5).Value = Replace(cmt.Text, Chr(10), " ")
       End With
    Next cmt

    newwks.Cells.WrapText = False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub  

List Comments - Merged Cells

The following code will create a numbered list comments on a new worksheet. To add numbers in the cells, use the CoverCommentIndicator code in the previous section.
Sub showcomments_formerged()
'based on code by Dave Peterson 2003-05-16
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Dim commrange As Range
    Dim mycell As Range
    Dim curwks As Worksheet
    Dim newwks As Worksheet
    Dim i As Long
Dim rowTop As Long
Dim colFirst As Long
Dim colLast As Long
Dim bMerge As Boolean

    Set curwks = ActiveSheet

    On Error Resume Next
    Set commrange = curwks.Cells _
    On Error GoTo 0

    If commrange Is Nothing Then
       MsgBox "no comments found"
       Exit Sub
    End If

    Set newwks = Worksheets.Add

     newwks.Range("A1:E1").Value = _
         Array("Number", "Name", "Value", "Address", "Comment")

    i = 1
    For Each mycell In commrange
      If mycell.MergeCells Then
        bMerge = True
        colFirst = mycell.MergeArea.Columns(1).Column
        colLast = mycell.MergeArea.Columns(mycell.MergeArea.Columns.Count).Column
        rowTop = mycell.MergeArea.Rows(1).Row
        colFirst = mycell.Column
        colLast = mycell.Column
        rowTop = mycell.Row
      End If
      If mycell.Row = rowTop _
            And mycell.Column = colLast Then
        With newwks
          i = i + 1
          On Error Resume Next
          .Cells(i, 1).Value = i - 1
          .Cells(i, 2).Value = mycell.Name.Name
          .Cells(i, 3).Value = _
              curwks.Cells(rowTop, colFirst).Value
          curwks.Cells(rowTop, colFirst).Copy
          .Cells(i, 3).PasteSpecial _
          .Cells(i, 4).Value = mycell.Address
          .Cells(i, 5).Value = Replace(curwks.Cells(rowTop, _
                   colFirst).Comment.Text, Chr(10), " ")
        End With
      End If
    Next mycell
    newwks.Cells.WrapText = False

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Comments with Pictures From File Listgo to top

The following code creates a comment with picture inserted, in column B, based on a file list in column A. Download the zipped sample file to create a comment with a picture from a file list.
Comment Picture
Sub InsertComment()
Dim rngList As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim strPic As String
On Error Resume Next

Set rngList = Range("A1:A5")
strPic = "C:\Data\"

For Each c In rngList
  With c.Offset(0, 1)
    Set cmt = c.Comment
    If cmt Is Nothing Then
      Set cmt = .AddComment
    End If
    With cmt
      .Text Text:=""
      .Shape.Fill.UserPicture strPic & c.Value
      .Visible = False
    End With
  End With
Next c
End Sub

Insert Selected Picture Into Commentgo to top

The following code creates a file from the selected picture, inserts it into a comment in the active cell, and deletes the picture. Download the zipped sample file.
Comment Picture
Sub PictureIntoComment()
Dim ch As ChartObject
Dim dWidth As Double
Dim dHeight As Double
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim sName As String
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim rng As Range
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set rng = ActiveCell
sPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
sName = InputBox("Name for picture file (no extension)", _
          "File Name")
If sName = "" Then sName = "Picture_" _
        & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")
sFile = sPath & sName & ".gif"

    dWidth = Selection.Width
    dHeight = Selection.Height
    Set ch = ws.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=rng.Left, _
      Top:=rng.Top, _
      Width:=dWidth, Height:=dHeight)
    ch.Chart.Export sFile
    Set cmt = rng.AddComment
    cmt.Text Text:=""
    With cmt.Shape
      .Fill.UserPicture sFile
      .Width = dWidth
      .Height = dHeight
    End With

End Sub    

Download the Sample Files

  1. Download the zipped sample file for numbered comments in Excel 2003 and earlier 
    NOTE: Code is slightly different for Excel 2007. Please use this 
  2. Download the sample file with Comment Resizer code -- resize comments in selected range, by area or resize by test cell row height. The zipped file is in xlsm format, and contains macros.
  3. Download the zipped sample file to create a comment with a picture from a file list.
  4. Download the zipped sample file to create a file from the selected picture and insert it into a comment in the active cell.
  5. Download the zipped sample file for numbered comments:

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